Friday, June 13, 2008

Security Tips And Wasting Time

I've spent most of my adult life in the security field/profession. A lot of time, hard work, time spent posting a blog with tips which will help keep women safe from the dregs of society. What a waste of time.
I say this because apparently noone cares about their personal safety or that of thier daughter, mother, niece, friend. I read every day that some blog about bullshit..."Obama the new Messiah"..."democrats are going to save us from ourselves"..."how to make cheesecake"...get traffic out the yingyang. Are people stupid? Do you not care that you are a target? Do you not realize just how unsafe you are?
Barak Obama...doesn't give a damn whether you live or die. He wants to get elected. He's the most liberal senator and will lead us to a " morally bankrupt, extremely liberal, socialist agenda". What's his stand on criminal punishment and tools for law enforcement? Obama (the flaming liberal ) believes criminals are victims of society and just haven't had the opportunities afforded other law-abiding citizens. What a crock! Send his liberal, molly-coddling ass back to Illinois and let him baby criminals there.
Democrats are going to save us from ourselves? Democrats aren't what they used to's now the party of "left-wing" liberals. Big difference. Liberals believe in high taxes, suppression of free speech, PCness to the point of anything goes unless you have conservative christian values. Save me from myself? Liberal democrats introduced "rehabilitation" into the prison system. Crime rates skyrocketed...when consequences are removed, punishment is absent. Criminals are now told by liberal defense attorneys that they are the victims of society! So, the next time you are attacked, call your democratic representative and thank his/her sorry ass for that.
I have seen first hand what crime does to victims. I have seen mangled bodies, sensed psychological scars that will never fade and listened to criminals brag about their escapades and how they will continue with criminal behavior because they know...they know there's a bleeding-heart liberal to champion for them.
It's disheartening but I hang in there. I believe in law and justice and doing right. I followed the path and worked hard for the credentials I have. I earned them. Only 600 people in the world have the education, training and real-world experience I have. You know what? Big damn deal. I see other sites listed by so-called experts and they aren't expert at anything except having a PhD. (what the hell does that have to do with real-world?) Oooh, here's a favorite..."a retired security guard"...what the fuck? Go ahead and take advice from some retired will get you killed. Your tough luck. Too bad, so sad.
Why do I bother to write a blog noone reads? Maybe, just maybe, one woman who wants and needs accurate, factual and applicable security measures will find my blog and it will help her stay safe. That's the whole point, you know? So, go waste your time on bullshit. I'll waste mine on something that matters.